Sunday, July 19, 2015

Countering the neo-Cold Warriors

Click here to access article by Wayne Madsen from Strategic Culture Foundation
Obama and Kerry were quick to distance themselves from «Fighting Joe» Dunford’s saber rattling before the Senate committee. However, if they wanted to truly reset relations with Russia, Kerry could fire Nuland, Obama could pull Dunford’s nomination, and both could ask NATO to request a new Supreme Commander. However, as President Dwight Eisenhower warned in his 1961 Farewell Address about the menace of the «military-industrial complex», Obama and Kerry are powerless to get rid of those who were placed in power by what has now become a «military-intelligence-contractor» complex.
Are the neo-cold warriors merely crazy figures acting out a script like we saw in the 1960s film "Dr. Strangelove"? Are they the "bad cops" (counter-posed to the "good cops" of the ruling class behind the Obama administration) that the Empire uses to bully their perceived antagonists? Or are do they represent a real threat to human existence--like a nuclear holocaust--should they take over the leadership of the Empire? What do you think?