Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Destroying What Remains: How the US Navy Plans to War Game the Arctic

Click here to access article by Dahr Jamail from Truthout.

This veteran independent journalist on whom we relied so much to tell us the truth about what our imperial masters were doing in Iraq now brings us news of what they have planned in Alaska and the Arctic. This time the "collateral damage" are the fishing industry, what's left of the pristine environment, and wildlife instead of Iraqis and their environment.

Once again, it is the military, industrial, financial, and imperial complex that will win as a result of the Navy's plans to prepare for war in the arctic. How do they justify this assault on the environment? Of course, it's the old standby excuse when violating our Constitutional rights and committing crimes against humanity and nature--"national security".
The bottom line on all this is simple, if brutal. The Navy is increasingly focused on possible future climate-change conflicts in the melting waters of the north and, in that context, has little or no intention of caretaking the environment when it comes to military exercises. In addition, the federal agencies tasked with overseeing any war-gaming plans have neither the legal ability nor the will to enforce environmental regulations when what's at stake, at least according to the Pentagon, is "national security."