Saturday, July 25, 2015

Economic changes needed to tackle climate challenges

Click here to access article by Kieran Cooke from Climate News Network.

There have been a series of meetings leading up to a major meeting of world politicos and others to be held in Paris starting in November. The meetings like the grand summit in Paris give world capitalist leaders opportunities to say how concerned they are about climate destabilization--only they don't use such a dramatic term, instead they prefer "climate change". 

The author in this piece reports on some of these grand statements at one of these preliminary meetings. For example, the president of Ireland condemns neoliberalism. He like many others sees this advanced stage of capitalism as the culprit. Thus, returning to nationally-based, regulated capitalism would solve our problems. This is like saying that the symptoms of metastasized cancer can be cured if we can only return it to a localized cancer.