Wednesday, July 8, 2015

GREECE’D: We Voted ‘No’ to slavery, but ‘Yes’ to our chains

Click here to access article by Greg Palast from his blog. 

I believe that Palast has some very good arguments here and a realistic assessment of what many Greeks are unable to face.
I know that many Greeks, Cypriots, Italians and Portuguese all express a visceral fear of leaving the euro. Depending on which polls one chooses to believe, anywhere from a near-majority to an overwhelming majority of Greeks wish to remain in the euro at all costs. From the hysterical statements I heard from some Greeks that, “We cannot leave Europe!”, you’d think that dropping the euro will cause Greece to break off at the Albanian border and crash into Africa.

It would be refreshing to hear political leaders say the honest economic truth: “Workers of Europe unite! You have nothing to lose but the euro—and your chains.”