Sunday, July 26, 2015

How ‘Adjunct’ Professors Are Exploited

Click here to access article by Laura Finley from ConsortiumNews.

I didn't know what she referring to until I read an entry in Wikipedia which explained what "adjunct professors" were. It appears to me that our ruling capitalist class masters (via "boards of regents" who are appointed to serve this class) use tenure track professorships as a way to discipline any professors from straying too far from ruling class propaganda. Those that are finally given tenure are those who have passed years of disciplinary tests. They dump the rest in the "adjunct professor" category to cut costs and to further control those who they see as a threat to infect students with subversive thoughts that undermine capitalist propaganda, or thoughts or ideas which threaten our masters' control of society.

Finley provides a graphic description of what it is like to be an adjunct professor.