Friday, July 3, 2015

How the Biggest Banks Are Conspiring to Rip Up Financial Regulations around the World

Click here to access article by "Don Quijones" from Wolf Street.

Although Wikileaks released the document more than a year ago, the author contributes to the public knowledge of probably the worst neoliberal project, TISA, that has been negotiated in strict secrecy for a number years by summarizing its details into six main threats to member governments' ability to regulate their financial industries.
According to the treaty’s Annex on Financial Services, we now know that TiSA would effectively strip signatory governments of all remaining ability to regulate the financial industry in the interest of depositors, small-time investors, or the public at large.
In my opinion the best interpretation of the leaked document was provided by Pete Dolack a year ago in an article entitled "Financiers seek to have fondest dreams come true through own secret trade deal".