Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama promotes “historic” nuclear deal with Iran

Click here to access article by Keith Jones from World Socialist Web Site. 
Yesterday’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) enshrines the sweeping concessions Iran made under the “framework” agreement reached in Lausanne, Switzerland on April 2, as well as introducing further conditions and stipulations highly advantageous to Washington.

Iran must either dismantle or roll back and freeze the key elements of its nuclear program and must submit to the most intrusive nuclear inspections regime ever devised. 
Here is another very sceptical view on this deal entitled "Iran Nuclear Deal: The Real Battle Begins" by Stephen Lendman.

And finally, I recommend this article entitled "US/Israeli/Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems" by Robert Parry who shows whose behavior is really despicable and needs to be brought under control.