Monday, July 6, 2015

TPP: Fast Track to Oligarchy

Click here if you wish to access this cartoon directly from cartoonist Jen Sorensen's website.


Of course, there was no "old Obama". The "President of the United States" was long ago (beginning with the assassination of J.F. Kennedy) converted by our hidden ruling class into a propaganda (aka public relations) office to serve the ruling class. Obama knew this when he was selected for this position, and he is faithfully carrying out his responsibilities as instructed by his ruling class bosses.

Obama was mostly raised by his banker grandmother in Hawaii, and he adopted her values. His indoctrination was further reinforced by his education in elite private schools in Hawaii, then Columbia and Harvard. He has had little difficulty in accepting and carrying out his assignment. By carefully cultivating this man who has an outward racial appearance of an African-American to race-conscious Americans, our masters have tricked Americans once again into believing that anything would change by an election.