Saturday, July 11, 2015

US-Israeli Imperialists Plot Downfall of Syria and Iran

Click here to access article by Brandon Martinez from Non-Aligned Media

Martinez does an excellent job of assembling the main features of the Zionist strategy of divide and rule that has been in operation probably since the founding of Israel, and using mainstream sources to document this assembly. The objective of getting Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East to literally kill each other has been the single thread running through all of the wars and upheavals in this region since Israel's appearance. This Zionist strategy has dove-tailed nicely with the US Empire's need to control the region's oil resources, and above all, the need to protect the medieval kingdom of Saudi Arabia and associates because they, in return for this protection, back the US dollar. Hence, the Israelis, too, have always cooperated with Saudi Arabia in fomenting this carnage. Have you noticed that the terrorist army called ISIS never attacks Israel? And, Israelis even helping them? (Also, see this.)
The United States has been running a particularly reckless and transparent bluff on the world.

‘We must defeat ISIS’ has been the repetitive mantra bellowed from pulpits and podiums by deceitful US officials. But this bit of shameless Orwellian newspeak is coming from the very same rogue policy makers who have been the primary source of arms and largesse to that group and its sordid affiliates across Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.