Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why Eric Holder’s new job is an insult to the American public

Click here to access article by David Dayen from Salon
The former Attorney General who made "too big to jail" a national joke now re-joins his old corporate law firm 
This is what passes for left capitalist criticism (often referred to as "liberal") in the USA. Dripping with moral outrage, such critical articles in the end serve the ruling capitalist class by implying that Holder's return to his firm, which defends and supports major banking interests, was an immoral exception to the way things really are in this country. Of course, this in essence is a denial of the revolving door phenomenon which is the way capitalists rule in the US, it's the way they have always ruled when they could get away with it; and now with the consolidation of wealth and power through private ownership of everything of value, it is completely commonplace.