Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Truth Behind Turkey’s Dual Offensives

Click here to access article by Andrew Korybko from Sputnik International. (Note: I think that Korybko is an American citizen studying at the Moscow university, but I haven't been able to confirm that. Oriental Review always puts "USA" behind his name on his articles.)

I think that this piece offers the best geopolitical analysis of the new aggressive strategy perpetrated by Empire directors in collusion with Turkey in Syria, and adjacent areas. US directors are stirring the cauldron of chaos in this region to further their control of the vast oil resources of the region.
Many people are scratching their heads wondering how the US went from supporting the Kurds in Iraq and Syria to backing Turkey's campaign against them in the former (and turning a blind eye to it in the latter), but the reality is that the US was manipulating them as geopolitical pawns from the get-go. On the one hand, it envisioned using them to create a ‘geopolitical Israel' in the heart of the Mideast, but on the other, it knew that such an effort would tempt Turkey to conventionally intervene and put an end to these plans (which could also derail its [Turkey under Erdogan] potential Eurasian pivot). Either way, it would be a win-win for Washington....
Cartalucci's interpretation of a Brookings article was much more accurate than mine as expressed in my commentary to his article.