Friday, September 4, 2015

Europe's Refugee Crisis And The Warped Morality Of David Cameron

Click here to access article by Colin Todhunter from his blog East by Northwest (Britain).
It is not only Syrians who are heading for Europe and the UK but also people from Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. Countries that Britain has helped to devastate as part of the US-led long war based on the Project for a New American Century and the US right to intervene unilaterally as and when it deems fit under the notion of the US ‘exceptionalism’ (better known as the project for a new imperialism - the ‘Wolfowitz Doctrine’).
Leaving the suffering of millions of refugees aside for the moment, I am beginning to wonder if European workers are stupid, or what could account for their toleration of policies which damage their economy like the Russian sanctions and places other burdens on them like this refugee crisis. (Such problems do not directly affect American workers, so maybe there is some excuse for their tolerance.)