Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lebanon Protest Leaders Reveal Connections To Western Color Revolution Apparatus

Click here to access article by Brandon Turbeville from Activist Post

Because we live in a globalized world dominated by the US-led capitalist Empire, this is vital information that all activists need to study simply because the same methods will be used here in the US as elsewhere to support their interests of power and profit, and to prevent any genuine movement to overthrow the rule of the capitalist class. 

In this article the author builds on a previous article entitled "Color Revolution In Lebanon Designed To Weaken Hezbollah, Syria, Iran" by providing us with more information to support his argument that what is happening currently in Lebanon is to a large measure guided by the subversive methods of what has become known as a "color revolution" project. The same methods met with success in places like Georgia and Ukraine, and now there is considerable evidence, which Turbeville supplies, that they are now being applied in Lebanon.
...all of these aspects – shadowy reasons like “government corruption” for protesting, lack of demands, violence, and infiltrators – are hallmarks of a color revolution. So are the clever marketing strategies of “Branding” that see a protest movement, allegedly organic and spread across so many differing and various sectarian groups, develop a mutually agreed upon name for itself so early on.

The most telling aspect of whether or not a movement is actually a color revolution, however, is the “leadership” of that movement and the connections that leadership may have to the color revolution apparatus.

In the case of the You Stink! Movement, those connections are becoming increasingly visible.
The author then provides us with some very interesting information about the ties of several of the leaders of this "You Stink! Movement" to US funded agencies.