Thursday, September 10, 2015

Remember I Told You: All Our Problems Came from the Illuminati!

Click here to access article by Phil Butler from New Eastern Outlook.

Butler supplies us with sardonic humor after perusing numerous ruling class sources for news of the world which seems to be taking another frightening turn over the past few weeks.
The world is in a mess, in case you did not notice. For any journalist out there, one look at the headlines mirrors a reality right out of a Stephen King psychological horror. Migrants swarm into the European Union, America and Russia on the brink of war, ISIL chopping off heads, aren’t you astounded yet? Perhaps Hollywood made too many Die Hard flicks? Maybe most of the world is either immune or ready for the end perhaps? Let’s take a brief snapshot of a week in our surreal existence, a window into controlled media’s expression of our Orwellian fantasy turned real.