Saturday, September 12, 2015

The other immigrants: how the super-rich skirt quotas and closed borders

Click here to access article by John Rennie Short from The Conversation
One of the claims for those who promote and support a “cash for citizenship” approach is that it provides benefits to the country, such as increased investment and new jobs.
Short concludes this exposé of nations selling citizenship for cash this way:
...the data clearly show, it [it's] a selling of citizenship for a program with very limited benefits....
So, are we to believe that the capitalist ruling classes of these nations are stupid? I think not. They just need to provide an excuse that fits well with their "democratic" propaganda. In reality, they are merely expressing a fundamental tenet of their ideology: everything is a commodity to be bought or sold. (In this example the market demand and prices are interpreted by each nation's ruling capitalist class.) They want the freedom to live anywhere in the world--it's a corollary of their globalist and neoliberal perspectives. They want borders to restrict the movement of workers, but at the same time they want them erased for themselves--the capitalist elites. When they want to secure highly trained middle class workers (doctors, technologists, academics, etc) from other countries, they have other provisions in their laws to handle this.