Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Sneering at China’s President Xi

Click here to access article by Dan Steinbok from ConsortiumNews.

Steinbok has observed how US media coverage of China's president has always portrayed him with a negative bias. Living in the greater Seattle area where Xi is now visiting with various high tech company officials, I observe the same phenomenon which I find very surprising given that the links between high tech companies and China have been very strong. 

Just recently the Chinese signed a deal to buy 300 Boeing jet airliners worth $38 billion. They have been one of Boeing's biggest customers. Yet, corporate talking TV heads keep making negative comments about Xi--see this coverage from a local TV channel as typical. This TV station, like all the other local stations, is not locally owned, instead owned by Tegna corporation based in McLean, VA. Maybe it's only a coincidence, but CIA also has offices there in addition to nearby Langley where CIA headquarters are located.