Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Stock Profits of Obamacare

Click here to access article by Catherine Austin Fitts from her website The Solari Report.

For those of you who don't own stocks and follow stock charts, the top of this chart provides information for a recent one day performance of one ETF -- ignore this. The actual chart below this information is what she is using to show how various medically related ETFs have performed since March 22, 2010 when the Affordable Care Act (aka "ObamaCare") was signed into law by Obama. The data she provides below this chart divides this long period into two periods: before the Supreme Court declared its legality and after. In the first period the stocks generally did well, but it is in the second period where the stocks dramatically accelerated in value. 

She draws one obvious inference for why the Obama administration so aggressively promoted this legislation. There are also others such as appealing to liberal voters for political support for the left-wing of the capitalist ruling class, and to improve the image of the US which was previously negative in comparison to many other industrialized nations who have universal health plans provided at low cost to the government.