Monday, September 7, 2015

The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the ‘Do Something’ Lie

Click here to access article by Adam Johnson from Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting

Johnson illustrates with a number of examples from leading newspapers in the Empire how capitalist media is attempting to exploit the refugee crisis created by the Empire to serve the Empire's ends to crush the Syrian government. Yes, it's "humanitarian intervention" all over again. Once again, the Empire's media turns reality on its head!
The US funded, armed and fueled the very crisis its partisan media are now calling for it to swoop and in save. The moral ADD [attention deficit disorder] required by those pushing further US involvement in the Syrian civil war in the face of this fact is severe. 
Meanwhile the directors of the Empire are busy creating chaos in Yemen by backing Saudi Arabia in its war on Yemen. So we can expect the Yemenis will be the next source of refugees flooding into Europe, and then we can expect Empire media calling for another "humanitarian intervention".