Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tick Tock

Click here to access article by David Malone from his blog Golem XIV

We are all intellectually blind (more or less) men/women trying with our existing senses to determine what the realities are of this beast of human existence. Malone as an acute observer of economic events describes what he sees happening today--trends that could threaten human existence.

Although this piece looks unfinished--and he says so--it focuses on some major changes in currencies which may be spurred on by China's current economic problems. Perhaps we can expect more articles which can add a finish to his analysis.

Once again I find myself in agreement with some of his observations, but not with others. By way of illustration, I do not share his implied view, which is commonly expressed by many middle class people of today, that everything was fine with Western societies before the current run of economic problems. But his observations about one trend in which the US currency no longer reigns supreme in the world contribute much to our understanding of something which could result in global cataclysmic changes if not disasters.