Sunday, September 6, 2015

U.S. Drops Fleas With Bubonic Plague on North Korea

Click here to access article by David Swanson posted on Washington's Blog.

I consider myself reasonably well informed about the Korean War, but I learned a lot from this post about the gross war crimes and deceptions in relation to this war. The Korean War was the beginning phase of the US's road to Empire which we see today with devastating effects on people over much of the globe--the latest being the waves of refugees fleeing to Europe. 

This post also illustrates how conscientious people working together plus the technology of the World Wide Web can expose many of the lies we have been taught by our masters in the ruling capitalist class.
Dave Chaddock’s book This Must Be the Place, which I found via Jeff Kaye’s review, collects the evidence that the United States indeed tried to wipe out millions of Chinese and North Koreans with deadly diseases.