Tuesday, September 8, 2015

US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook

Cartalucci once again exposes one of the real governing organizations, the Brookings Institute, in the US in contrast to the mostly mythical official institutions of government: Congress, the Executive, and the Supreme Court. Currently many ordinary people are caught up in another phony exercise of elections designed to fool people into believing that they enjoy some form of democracy. 

Brookings along with the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Rand Corporation, etc (members of the Rockefeller family involved in most of them) all constitute the real government of the US and exercise dominant influence over US Empire policies. Exactly how policies are mediated by these organizations remains mostly a carefully guarded mystery. 

In this article Cartalucci explains that Brookings Institute, consisting of prominent members of the ruling capitalist class, have formulated the actual military policies used to destabilize Syria and the necessity for their media to provide cover for their war crimes and sponsorship of terrorist armies.
Not only does Brookings lay out an open conspiracy to invade and occupy Syria, it does so with the open admission that the goal is not to degrade the fighting capacity of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS or ISIL), but rather to undermine and eventually overthrow the Syrian government. In fact, Brookings makes a point of stating that the goal would be to seize and hold Syrian territory to further advance American ambitions toward regime change, and would move quickly to degrade the Syrian government’s ability to resist ISIS if any attempts were made by Damascus to stop the US invasion.

News reports have trickled out regarding US and British “fighters” operating in Syria. Their backgrounds, affiliations, logistical support, and transportation to the battlefield have been intentionally left ambiguous by the Western media.