Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Don't Get Berned Again. Bernie's Bribes.

Click here to access article by John V. Walsh from LewRockwell
The fundamental problem with Sanders’s campaign is that it is based on bribery, and an especially immoral sort of bribery at that.  For Bernie promises more social benefits IF we, the beneficiaries, let him continue the Empire’s warfare – both economic and military.  That is a most unsavory sort of bribe.  Basically he gives us butter if we give him guns to kill innocents.
The way I see it is that elections are rather much like everything else in the US: a lot of fakery and manipulation to cover over our capitalist ruling class's true agenda which I have long believed to be their consistent fixation on profits and power. 

Yes, within this ruling class there are differences of approach as to how to achieve these twin goals. The liberal end of their political spectrum are lightly constrained by considerations of basic human decency, whereas the right-wing are filled with sociopaths who are not at all constrained in their passions for profits and power. It is the old story of the lessor of two evils, and elections are held so that we can choose between their evil servants. 

What is new is that the political spectrum of our ruling class is constantly shifting to the right. While we may want to choose a lessor evil among the candidates that they offer us, we are still supporting evil. And even if we choose a less evil official candidate, that person is really an employee of the ruling class and answers to them. Therefore we must constantly strive to search for the real masters behind the puppet show called elections in order to see what evil plans they are making and the resulting consequences we will be forced to live with. 

The only real solution is revolution, so don't take these election performances seriously. Sure, if it makes you feel better, vote for the lessor evil. But don't let your comfortableness deter you from more revolutionary activities of revealing the truth about all the lies of our masters, spreading this truth, raising consciousness among your friends and neighbors, etc. They know they cannot impose all their evil plans on the world if the American people don't support them. That is why they go to such great lengths to deceive us. Most importantly, we must work to build this consciousness because it is the foundation of any real revolution.