Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hillary Clinton: We Lied. The Aim Of Our War On Libya Was Regime Change

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama.

Sometimes employees of the Empire's directorate forget about the latter's propaganda and inadvertently tell the truth. Not to worry--no corporate media will take notice of this slip-up and broadcast it. What is interesting is that a person well connected to the Council on Foreign Relations, a major Empire think tank, noticed her slip-up. 

Bernhard concludes by asking this question:
If there are any competent opponents to her candidacy for president they should pick up on this and use it to destroy her: "You want a president that is lying to you about going to war?
Well, I think they are all demonstrating competence by knowing when to keep their mouths shut in order to preserve the lies of the Empire. On the other hand, her Empire handlers might be concerned about her slip-ups, but then they know that everyone of influence will cover for her.