Monday, October 5, 2015

Nuclear War And Corbyn – The Fury And The Farce

Click here to access article from Media Lens (Britain).

What passes for a left in both Europe and the USA keep looking for "heroes" to deliver them from the evil of advanced capitalism. In the US many have gravitated to Sen. Bernie Sanders who is running in primary elections as a candidate for president. The Zionist senator, although he often supports social welfare policies, has never met an Empire war he didn't support. However Jeremy Corbyn looks a lot more authentic, but still real change in Britain's participation in Empire adventures will never be possible without a significant revolution that overturns the rule of capital in Britain. Either Corbyn will keep compromising his views until they are satisfactory to Britain's ruling capitalist class, or he will be marginalized or eliminated one way or another. Only an organized working class engaged at the grass roots can save themselves. Forget about heroes coming to save us.