Thursday, October 8, 2015

Russia Turning The Corner On Sanctions

Click here to access article by Kenneth Rapoza from Forbes

It's not often that I post articles from a prime capitalist source, but this one really amused me for its apolitical globalist capitalist view. Essentially the author is expressing a view that the sanctions imposed on Russia by the Empire may be coming to an end, and now might be a good idea to invest in Russian stocks! 

I believe this illustrates an advanced, pure view of capitalism: it is entirely globalist in its outlook--wherever profits from investments are likely to occur, that is where one should be headed with their money. Contrast this with views coming from capitalist economies outside of the Empire, places such as the BRIC countries, that are trying to pursue an independent nationalist course in a "multi-polar" capitalist world. Such a notion is in direct conflict with the Empire's hegemonic orientation. 

Thus it appears to me that there are three dominant views among capitalists today throughout the world: 1) Empire hegemonic (located in the US and their many associates in NATO countries and Israel), 2) globalist capitalist (located mostly in the US, but also in NATO countries and Israel), and 3) national capitalist (located mostly in the BRIC countries). This article, of course, illustrates the second view. However, it is the hegemonic orientation that rules within the Empire, and that view poses the most immediate and serious problem for world peace.

Meanwhile all these orientations contribute to the longer term, but very disastrous threat of, climate destabilization which likely will result in human extinction. Thus we activists must continue to chart our course toward a sustainable social-economic system between these twin threats: the Scylla of a nuclear war between major powers and the Charybdis of climate destabilization caused by capitalism's growth imperative.