Wednesday, October 28, 2015

TTIP: Might is Right

The 49:16 video via YouTube embedded below was produced by an independent Dutch media organization called VPRO. It illustrates the concrete realities of the clause inserted in all the new neoliberal trade treaties called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) by focusing on the effects witnessed in Canada under the NAFTA agreement. As the introduction to this video states:
In order to understand the potential consequences of this, VPRO Backlight traveled to Canada, which became one of the most sued countries in the world after it entered into a trade agreement with the US. American companies now summon the Canadian government to appear before an arbitration tribunal if they feel that Canadian rules aren't in compliance with the free trade agreement Nafta. Despite democratic decisions against fracking under Canada's most important river, the Saint Lawrence, the Canadian government was sued for millions of dollars by the oil and shale gas company Lone Pine.