Saturday, November 21, 2015

NATO is harbouring the Islamic State

Click here to access article by Nafeez Ahmed from Insurge Intelligence.
Nevermind that under Erdogan, Turkey is the leading sponsor of the barbaric ‘Islamic State.’

We must not ask unpatriotic questions about Western foreign policy, or NATO for that matter.

We must not wonder about the pointless spectacle of airstrikes and Stazi-like police powers, given our shameless affair with Erdogan’s terror-regime, which funds and arms our very own enemy.

We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to “destroy” a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO.
No, no, no. Life goes on. Business-as-usual must continue. Citizens must keep faith in the wisdom of The Security State.
I only have one problem with this essay: it repeats what is often alleged on many liberal websites/blogs:
Assad’s brutality and illegitimacy is beyond question — but until he had demonstrated his unwillingness to break with Russia and Iran, especially over their proposed pipeline project, US policy toward Assad had been ambivalent.
"Assad’s brutality and illegitimacy" is always "beyond question". Really? I've never seen any credible evidence furnished after this statement. The same allegation could be said with more confidence about any Western leader.