Monday, November 2, 2015

The necessary gravedigger

Click here to access article by Kit Klarenberg from CounterFire (Britain).

Klarenberg offers a critical review of Canadian author Mike Lebowitz's new book entitled The Socialist Imperative.

Marxist theorists have always seen the working class as "the necessary gravedigger" of capitalism, and in this review Klarenberg reports that Lebowitz sees this necessity more imperative than ever before: modern capitalism increasingly threatens not only the stability of the environment, but our very species survival, he considers it a more morally crucial objective than ever. In attempting to establish a framework for socialist victory in the twenty-first century, he assesses why previous efforts were unsuccessful, how capitalism came to be embraced – or, at least, tolerated – by the people who would benefit most from a more equitable configuration of society, and advances a modernised vision of collectivist organisation.