Friday, November 6, 2015

US in Syria: Stopping the "Arsonist-Firefighter"

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.

Once again Cartalucci uses major Empire sources to unravel the many conspiracies our masters are hatching to provide for themselves more power and wealth throughout the world. In this piece the author focuses on the latest region that our hegemons are targeting to destabilize and absorb into their plans--Syria. 

The problem for Empire hegemons is that major powers are standing in their way: Russia and Iran directly, China indirectly. This area could very well become a pivotal contest between these nations, and the Empire directors know this very well. Thus they will employ all of their strategies and tactics to defeat the inference of their plans for Syria coming from Russia, Iran, and China. Cartalucci in this article cites these strategies and tactics which he has obtained directly from Empire sources.
...Washington Post... reveal[s] the true intentions of the US and its "boots on the ground" in Syria. While they claim they seek to "fight ISIS," the truth is far more sinister. Under the pretext of fighting ISIS, these US forces, backing militants armed, trained, and funded by the US and its regional allies, will take and hold territory, effectively fulfilling US policy papers that have long-expressed the desire to "deconstruct" Syria as a secondary means of destroying it as a functioning nation-state if direct regime change was unachievable.

The Washington Post states specifically:
Defeating the Islamic State in Syria, under Obama’s strategy, rests on enabling   local Syrian forces not only to beat back Islamic State fighters but to hold freed territory until a new central government, established in Damascus, can take over.
Since there is already an established central government in Damascus, it is safe to assume these regions carved out by US-backed militants will never be relinquished until Damascus falls. If successful, it will mean the Balkanization of Syria, and its cessation as a unified nation.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this could readily escalate into a nuclear holocaust. I think the outcome depends in large part on the activists within the Empire can muster to oppose the Empire directors and the degree to which the latter are hopelessly addicted to power.