Sunday, November 15, 2015

What Preceded The Islamic State Attacks In France - Some Links (Updated)

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama.

Although the author provides links to the history preceding this latest terrorist incident in Paris, he focuses mostly on France's contribution to ISIS. The French capitalist directors are really only a subsection of the US-led Empire that is trying to sow chaos and destabilization in the Middle East and North Africa in order to establish more Empire friendly regimes who will take orders from Empire directors. 

Also we must keep in mind the high level of sophistication that characterized this event and many past events related to ISIS. To be sure, there are a considerable number of desperate people in the Middle East who have participated in these terrorist events, but this blogger has always found credible evidence of false-flag characteristics which suggests that Empire directors are simply using, training, and equipping these desperate people for their own nefarious ends.