Friday, December 11, 2015

COP21: US is 'Major Obstacle' to Climate Change, Says Manuel Criollo

Click here to access article by Simon Holmes from Telesur

Manuel Criollo, the director of organizing at the U.S.-based Labor rights and environmental campaign group, made this opening remark in an interview with Telesur:
The story stays the same as it has for the past 20 years during this tragic climate chess game called the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: on one side the ex-colonial and imperialist powers of Europe, Japan and the white-settler nations of the Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States (its ringleader) and on the other side stand the nations and peoples of the Third World (in U.N.-speak often referred as Developing Nations). It’s been a game of attrition, bullying, intimidation, divide-and-conquer and the constant changing of the rules at every turn.