Saturday, December 19, 2015

ISIS IP Addresses Traced Back To Saudi Arabia and UK Governments

Click here to access article by Brandon Turbeville from Activist Post.

Turbeville reports on another piece of evidence tying the US Empire, or at least the British section, to the world's premier terrorist organization. 
The Mirror reports it has learned that the British government sold a significant number of IP addresses to two Saudi Arabian firms and, after the sale in October, the IP addresses were being used to spread ISIS propaganda. These IP addresses were apparently not the only ones sold to Saudi Arabia in October, however, but little information is available as to how many others were sold and what they are being used for.

But while the sale of the IP addresses might shift the blame from the UK government on the Saudi Arabian government, the question still remains as to how and why the addresses can be traced back to the DWP
[Department of Work and Pensions in the UK].