Saturday, December 19, 2015

Soros Plays Both Ends in Syria Refugee Chaos

Click here to access article by F. William Engdahl from New Eastern Outlook.

Engdahl reveals how tax-exempt foundations for the rich have been used as another major weapon to promote the Empire's policy of domination both over the resource rich Middle East and Europe. To do this, he uses as an illustration the many Soros funded foundations which are some of the most active foundations promoting the Empire's agendas. What makes his article especially interesting is his revelation about a research report's findings regarding Tweets and Facebook communications: they encouraged the exodus of desperate refugees most of whom were lured by these social media to settle in Germany.
The vast majority of these “Germany welcomes refugee” Tweets come not from Germany, but from the United States and from the UK, the two countries up to their necks in the bloody deeds of ISIS and Al Qaeda and countless other terror gangs rampaging across Syria the past four years.

Shalak analyzed 5,704 original tweets containing a “#RefugeesWelcome” hashtag and a country name which welcomes them. It showed almost 80% of all Tweets claimed that Germany was the most-welcoming country in Europe. The second most welcoming country found was Austria with 12%. However, the study also found that those “Germany welcomes you” Tweets did not originate from inside Germany. Over 40% of all the Tweets originated from the USA, UK or Australia. Only 6.4% originated inside Germany.
However he doesn't supply any evidence to indicate that the Soros foundations were behind this effort except to report on similar efforts by these foundations to encourage the exodus of refugees to Europe.