Wednesday, December 23, 2015

They make millions per employee and cry they don’t make enough

Click here to access article by Pete Dolack from Systemic Disorder

Dolack provides us with business research data which bring out in stark relief the obsessive pursuit of wealth by a class of people who justify their claims on profits at the expense of workers due to their "ownership" of enterprises. Such a system known as capitalism inevitably produces the extreme inequality and associated effects like wars, famine, homelessness, poor health care existing alongside ostentatious displays of wealth that one observes today in most places of the world. Over the centuries the system has also created a self-serving ruling classes which now controls every important institution in most societies.

The justification of "ownership" which the capitalist class insert into the brains of working people from the cradle to the grave insures that workers never know the real source of wealth--their labor. In schools workers are never exposed to real history, and you can be sure that workers are taught only the history which their masters see fit to teach them. Only a few manage to escape this brainwashing to find other sources of information in libraries and alternative media which expose their lies. Fortunately, we have people like Dolack on his alternative website to dig up information like this so that we can begin to understand how the system works.