Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Turkish Party Member Claims Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Committed By Jihadists With Help From Turkey

Click here to access article by Brandon Turbeville from Activist Post
In August, 2013, a horrendous chemical attack took place in Ghouta, a Damascus suburb in which a number of civilians were killed. Immediately, images of the dead and dying were broadcast across Western television screens and the blame was placed on the shoulders of Bashar al-Assad’s secular government by Western governments such as the United States, the NATO alliance, the GCC, and Israel. This attack was very nearly the trigger for a direct NATO invasion of Syria on the basis of “humanitarian intervention” until the Russians stepped in and negotiated a plan with Assad to destroy Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons.
"Assad must go!" This lie has been repeated so many times by Western leaders, their lackeys in the Middle East, and especially Western corporate media that in the minds of ordinary people all over the world it has attained the status of a fact. The lie has been used to justify all kinds of war crimes that the West has engaged in against Syria. 

This lie has been exposed many times by knowledgeable people and other independent sources, and now a courageous member of Turkey's parliament, Eren Erdem, has added more details about Turkish and Western nations' involvement that exposes the lie. Like numerous whistleblowers in the US who have exposed their nation's crimes and charged under the Espionage Act of 1917, Erdem is now under investigation for treason, threatened with loss of parliamentary immunity, and receiving numerous death threats.