Monday, January 18, 2016

Central banks as an integral part of the banking community

Click here to access article by Norbert Häring from Real-World Economics Review Blog.

Although the article is not well-written in English (likely because the author is a German economist), it offers some very candid insights about central banks that one rarely finds in media of all types. It's good to read such insights also because our most important ruling capitalist class directors are always located in such critically important institutions. 

Notice how our masters obscure the private nature of these banking institutions, which control a nation's money supply and thus control how the money is spent, with names like Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank (ECB), etc. Thus the title should read "Central banks as an integral part of a nation's governing structure". 
The ECB and other central banks do not only talk about the control of financial institutions over governments, they enforce it vigorously. They have even brainwashed the German constitutional court, which held that it would be unconstitutional, if governments would be relieved from the pressure of financial markets.

The ECB is not even hiding its very warm and protective feelings for commercial banks. It wears them as a badge of honor, saying that everything which is good for banks is good for the economy and thus for all the people.

The economy and governments, thanks to a system controlled by the ECB, are so dependent of healthy banks, that this is true.