Sunday, January 31, 2016

COP21 – climate and capitalism

Click here to access article by Joe Sabatini from Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century.

Sabatini reviews the agreement reach at the recent climate talks in Paris and concludes that it was more about capital than meeting the demands of climate destabilization. Furthermore in order to seriously deal with the future crisis of climate destabilization, our capitalist masters would have to make colossal sacrifices. They much prefer to stick their heads in the sand of conventional capitalist remedies, chief among them is to let the market solve the problem. 

It is obvious that our masters are so committed to a system that delivers them the opiates of power and wealth that they are unable to cope with the demands of a real solution which would require a change of systems. Unfortunately, Sabatini's revolutionary recommendation doesn't suggest that he has much hope for a revolution.