Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Deep State Rising: The Mainstreaming of the Shadow Government

Click here to access article by James Corbett posted on his website. odd phenomenon has taken place in recent years and intensified in recent months: the idea of a “deep state” or a “shadow government” controlling politics, even in the US, is becoming mainstream.
I think that Corbett has been communicating with his peers and spending time on liberal and alternative media a bit too much to come to the conclusion that the shadow government has been mainstreamed. Yes, there are a few careless remarks by such people as Hillary Clinton suggesting a deep state, journalists like Seymour Hersh exposing some truths about the deep state in obscure publications, or Joe Biden who when speaking to an educated audience does tell many truths about important subjects and these are reported in a few ruling class media such as the NY Times and the Washington Post, but such remarks are few and far between lies that are incessantly repeated in all of mainstream media and reinforced by Hollywood films. The reality is that the vast majority of Americans get their news and views from the latter. 

There is considerable evidence that most TV news and information programs are carefully controlled and monitored by the CIA: see this, this, this, this, and this. Meanwhile our opinion leaders and ideological gatekeepers sometimes recognize views that are widely discussed in alternative media, but mostly this is an effort at damage control and directed at educated audiences. As long as they can keep the vast majority of Americans believing their lies and myths, as long as they keep tight control over every institution, and maintain militarized police forces that operate with impunity, they don't worry about an educated few.