Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dying to Forget: Oil, Power, Palestine and the Foundations of U.S. Policy in the Middle East – Book Review

Click here to access this review by Rod Such of a book authored by Irene Gendzier posted on The Palestine Chronicle.

In her new book Gendzier has uncovered many unknown facts about US support of Israel following its establishment. For example:
...once the Truman administration determined that Israel would become a strategic U.S. ally, Gendzier notes that it adopted a policy to defer to Israel in matters related to the Palestinians. As early as July 1, 1948, Philip Jessup, the U.S. special delegate to the UN, had argued the case for withholding U.S. pressure on Israel due to its strategic importance and its “strong military position” which was “more than a match for most of Arab states put together.” ...he also stated: “‘From the strategic viewpoint we assume that Palestine, together with the neighboring countries is a major factor presumably in any future major conflict this region would be of vital importance to US as a potential base area and with respect to our lines of communication. Presumably also the oil resources of the area are considered vital.’” As a result Jessup argued for not pressuring Israel regarding the return of refugees.

This realignment came about even though U.S. officials were increasingly aware of Zionist aims in Palestine.