Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Government Sachs Gets Golden Wrist Slap For Global Financial Crisis

Click here to access article by James Corbett from The Corbett Report.

Corbett explains the injustice meted out to big banks that wreak our economy (and our lives) when placing their bets at the Wall Street casino. Unlike justice for banksters in Iceland, you will never see a bankster go to jail in America.
...Goldman makes tens of billions by selling the very toxic assets they were secretly betting against and in the end they pay a $5 billion penalty.

…Oh, and (needless to say) the Injustice Department practically fell over themselves to announce at the earliest possible opportunity that no one would even be prosecuted for this fraud (let alone go to jail).

…Oh, and poor Goldman will make a slightly smaller profit this year as a result of this golden wrist slap, equivalent to one measly fiscal quarter of profit for the banking behemoth.