Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How U.S. and EU Manipulate Public Consciousness: Montenegro

Click here to access article by "DrakulaBlogZ" from his blog. (Note: I surmise that this blogger is from Romania given his identification with Drakula who is a character first encountered in the novel Drakula by Irish writer Bram Stoker in 1897. The setting for the latter story is located in Transylvania which is a region in Romania.)
I’ve been working on this post for a long time, meticulously collecting scraps of information piece by piece to give you a comprehensive picture.

It is well known that the U.S. employs a sophisticated network of non-governmental organizations to manipulate public consciousness in multiple countries across the world. NGOs also play a key role in preparing color revolutions.

These last months I’ve been closely following the events in Montenegro....
He portrays a well-coordinated and comprehensive effort that is underway in Montenegro to shape the conscious of Montenegrins from opposition to their inclusion in NATO and the Empire to outright support. The analysis he provides is an excellent illustration of the Empire's use of propaganda and NGO networks that has been witnessed in many previous color revolutions. What is little understood is that, true to the globalized outlook of the Empire's ruling directorate, they try to utilize this type of operation everywhere in the world where they have established bases of support, including most especially within the US, to create a public consciousness that is compatible with the interests of the Empire's neoliberal capitalist class.

This blogger makes a valiant effort at creating a chart based on his research which shows how the operation functions. In my estimation I think the chart and related analysis is most accurate at the bottom layer, and distortions increase as one peruses succeeding upper layers. Thus the top layer is filled with distortions and errors. This is to be expected because the shadow government operated by the Empire's directorate is for obvious reasons shrouded in secrecy. What is vitally needed is information, leaked or otherwise, that can explicate the mediating structure at the top.