Sunday, January 10, 2016

On Racism and Empire: The Skeleton of US Capitalism and the Basis of United Resistance

Click here to access article by Danny Haiphong from Global Independent Analytics.
The US is an Empire of global capital and for global capital. Its reign of terror has divided the globe into two camps. In the imperial camp, numerous states around the world serve as willful partners of US Empire or hold positions as subjugated neo-colonies. In the resistance camp, non-aligned nations such as Russia and China have maintained relative independence from the US Empire despite varying modes of development and differing interests within the resistance. Racism has been a central component to US Empire's endless warfare on the resistance camp. It has been the primary means from which the Empire has sought to achieve its objectives. 
Haiphong then continues with historical illustrations of the Empire's use of racism in an attempt to achieve world hegemony.