Sunday, January 24, 2016

Reflections on the Paris ISIS Meeting: Talks Filled With Sinful Crime

Click here to access article by Christopher Black from New Eastern Outlook.

Black is a Canadian and a very distinguished and international human rights lawyer who has prosecuted a number of such violations in the world. How dare he accuse the US of war mongering when we all know that our "indispensable" nation is a beacon of human rights! (sarcasm) 

His comments relate to a meeting in Paris four days before the Geneva meeting which started today for all of the participants in the Syrian-Iraq-ISIS war to negotiate a deal to end the warfare. One can't help but think that these war criminals were plotting a strategy for the Geneva meeting.
On January 20th a cabal of dependencies of the United States of America, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, France, and Italy, met in Paris to discuss war on Syria. One of a series of such meetings with a changing list of participants, it included the defence ministers of the countries supporting various proxy forces attacking Syria, either posing as “rebels” or allied with the American created and supported force ISIS. It was in fact a meeting of conspirators planning a war of aggression. There is no other way to put it. This was a criminal act under international law and another dramatic repudiation of the United Nations and everything the United Nations Charter stands for.