Thursday, January 7, 2016

Saudi-Iranian spat: Another skirmish in the oil war

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from RT

Referring to the Saudi's strategy of keeping oil prices low, Escobar writes:
From the House of Saud’s budget dilemma perspective, this is absolutely unsustainable. The House of Saud is the biggest OPEC oil exporter. Yet their supreme hubris is to deny Iran any leeway in exports, which will be inevitable especially in the second half of 2016. Moreover, the low oil price strategy doesn’t apply solely to Iran: it’s still part of the oil war against Russia.

Somebody though is not doing the math right in Riyadh.
You might also be interested in this post which reports that China is trying to preserve peace in the region with the current visit of Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming in Saudi Arabia.