Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The many hypocrisies of the Oregon standoff

Click here to access article by Pete Dolack from Systemic Disorder.

Dolack explains how the the current event in western Oregon illustrates some insights about the neoliberal (capitalist) orientation of our ruling class and why this event is responded to differently by enforcement agencies and is covered differently by corporate news agencies than other incidents of a similar nature.
Neoliberalism equates “freedom” with individualism, but as a specific form of individualism that is shorn of responsibility. “Freedom” for industrialists and financiers is freedom to rule over, control and exploit others; “justice” is the unfettered ability to enjoy this freedom, a justice reflected in legal structures. Working people are “free” to compete in a race to the bottom set up by capitalists. This is the freedom loftily extolled by the corporate media, and this is the basis of the freedom right-wing militias and their supporters say they want.