Monday, February 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting Her Marching Orders From The CFR

Click here to access article by Brandon Turbeville from his website. 

Sometimes Hillary Clinton inadvertently and candidly expresses such insights about how government decisions are controlled by unelected members of the capitalist class ensconced in "think tanks" such as the Council on Foreign Relations. There are numerous others. 

The top ones in the US, according to a University of Pennsylvania study entitled "2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report" (p. 77), are (in order of importance): Brookings, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Precisely how the policy recommendations of these think tanks are mediated is a mystery that needs to be solved. Regarding foreign policies, I think that most are translated into action by the US Security Council.