Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How the CIA Helped Fuel the Rise of ISIS

Click here to access article by Jeremy R. Hammond from his blog. (article of the month!)

This independent journalist reveals with excellent documentation how the Empire's "newspaper of record" manages and defuses dissent from the imperialist policies of the Empire which it serves.
...while inconvenient facts occasionally manage to slip through the cracks, the New York Times, as in its recent report on the US-Saudi alliance against the Assad regime, routinely whitewashes the US role, and, namely, the fact that the US had a policy dating to early 2012 of coordinating the flow of arms to Syrian rebels with full knowledge that the arms were winding up in the hands of extremist groups and despite warnings from the intelligence community that this would fuel the rise of the movement we know today as ISIS.

Such truths are tossed down the memory hole because, at the New York Times, it just doesn’t meet the narrative.