Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sanders and the left feint in capitalist politics

Click here to access article by Patrick Martin from World Socialist Web Site

Martin expresses very adequately the significance and the use of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the primary elections of the Democratic Party. I agree 99% with his views as written in this article. I only disagree with his advocacy for the Socialist Equality Party which this website represents. This latter party is a vanguard type party which has been thoroughly discredited by history as a worthy option to replace capitalist rule. But the 99% includes some very valuable insights. Here is one:
If the American financial aristocracy thought Sanders represented a genuine threat to its interests, it would not be putting him on national television to deliver his jeremiads before a mass audience. The ruling elite has more than a century of experience in the use of such figures to manipulate mass sentiment and safeguard the profit system from challenges from below.
If Sanders were a genuine socialist and a real threat to capitalist rule, he would be assassinated within days. Of course, his death would be made to look like an accident or suicide.