Friday, February 5, 2016

The New Global Financial Cold War

Click here to access this 1 hour audio interview with Michael Hudson discussing the paper he recently wrote entitled "The IMF Changes Its Rules To Isolate China and Russia" from Guns and Butter program broadcast by KPFA in Berkeley, California.

If you are enduring a long commute by car or travel by air, you might be very interested in listening to Hudson's comments which expands on his paper published in December
Dr. Hudson discusses his paper, The IMF Changes Its Rules To Isolate China and Russia; implications of the four policy changes at the International Monetary Fund in its role as enforcer of inter-government debts; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an alternative military alliance to NATO; the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) threatens to replace the IMF and World Bank; the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty; the China International Payments System (CIPS); WTO investment treaties; Ukraine and Greece; different philosophies of development between east and west; break up of the post WWII dollarized global financial system; the world dividing into two camps.