Friday, February 5, 2016

Why the ‘Sultan of Chaos’ is freaking out

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from RT.

This witty and rather cynical, but perceptive Brazilian independent journalist takes aim at Turkey's megalomaniac Erdogan, his obsession with the Kurds and Russian interference, and his blackmailing of NATO by flooding Europe with the nearby regions' legions of war-fleeing refugees.
Moscow is going after the Turkmen with a vengeance and at the same time providing air support to the PYD [Kurd progressives] west of the Euphrates. That hits the ‘Sultan’ in his heart of hearts; after all Erdogan has threatened multiple times that a PYD/YPG advance west of the Euphrates is the ultimate red line.

An already scared NATO won’t support the folly of an Erdogan war against Russia – as much as US and UK neocons may crave it; as NATO decisions must be unanimous, the last thing EU powers Germany and France want is yet another Southwest Asia war. NATO may deploy the odd Patriot missiles in southern Anatolia and the odd AWACs to support the Turkish Air Force. But that’s it.